Google Business Sites Shutting Down| Recover Your Website 2024

Google Business Sites Shut Down| Recover Your Website 2024

Websites created using Google Business Profiles will no longer be operational after March 2024, instead, visitors will be redirected to your Business Profile but your business. site will no longer be available in the website field on your business profile. The reroute is operational through June 10, 2024. Avira Digital Studios will delve into the comprehensive exploration of the subject, offering insights and presenting solutions.


Effects of Google Business Sites Shutting Down

1. Business Visibility Impact: The shutdown of Google Business Websites could significantly impact the online visibility of your business. 

2. Customer Trust and Information Accessibility: The closure may affect customer trust & convenience, as users will now need to rely on other platforms for the same information.

3. SEO and Local Search Impact: There could be consequences for local SEO efforts due to the closure of Google Business Websites. These websites were essential to local search engine optimization. So you need to modify your approaches to make sure you stay at the top of local search results. 


How to Recover Your Website ?

With Google shutting down all Google business websites, the remedy is to establish your own website to retain your audience. You can opt for a custom-coded website or a non-custom-coded alternative.

1. Website Builders: Explore popular website builders such as Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace. These platforms make it simple for companies to develop and maintain their own websites without requiring a high level of technical knowledge by providing user-friendly interfaces, adaptable templates, and hosting services.

2.WordPress: Take into consideration utilizing this adaptable and popular content management system (CMS). With the help of its assortment of themes, plugins, and customization choices, companies can build a polished, feature-rich website. Additionally, WordPress provides options for moving content.

3. Professional Web Development:  This option ensures a custom-built website tailored to the specific needs and branding of the business.

Google Business Sites Shut Down| Recover Your Website 2024
Google stop hosting websites | How to make a website from scratch

Now you have two options. One, lose your traffic, Second, increase it. Which one are you going to choose? If you are choosing the second one, we are with you. Don’t worry, you just need to follow 4 simple steps to build a website from scratch. Before going into details, you should understand two types of websites based on their development tools -custom-coded websites and non-custom-coded websites.

Coded Website Vs WordPress (Non-custom coded website )


Custom Coded Website

Non-Custom Coded Website 


Allows for unique and customized features.

Limited to the built-in features and plugins provided.


Performance can be optimized for specific needs.

Performance is generally good, but it is limited by the platform.


Easily scalable for growth and additional features.

Scalability is dependent on the features offered by the platform.


Complete ownership and control over the website.

Platform ownership; limited control over design and functionality.


Can be more secure with proper coding practices.

Security is managed by the platform; updates are automatic.



Quick development and deployment; ideal for tight deadlines.

Initial Cost

Higher initial cost due to hiring skilled developers.

Lower initial cost & affordable subscription plans.

Maintenance Challenges

Ongoing maintenance is the responsibility of the website owner.

Platform providers handle updates and security, reducing effort.

Dependency on Developers

Dependence on developers for updates and maintenance.

Reduced dependence on developers; user-friendly for non-coders.

Learning Curve

Steeper learning curve for non-developers managing the site.

User-friendly interfaces, suitable for those with minimal coding knowledge.


How to Make a Website from Scratch for a Business in 4 Steps ?

You have chosen according to your requirements. Now you need to follow four steps. 

1. Define Your Purpose and Plan:

Before diving into website development first clearly define the purpose and goals of your website. Consider your target audience, content, and desired features. This is the foundational step of making a website from scratch. 

Custom Coded: Plan the database structure and provide the features you require if you decide to pursue the custom-coded way. Decide which technologies you’ll use: a backend language like Python, PHP, or Node.js, and frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Non-Custom Coded: Website builders like Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress are good options if you’re looking for a non-custom coded solution if you are looking to create a website from scratch. Select a platform according to your requirements and inclinations. These platforms eliminate the need for in-depth coding skills by offering pre-built templates and drag-and-drop interfaces.

2. Design Your Website:

Once you have a clear plan now, move on to designing your website. This step involves creating a visually appealing and user-friendly layout.

Custom Coded: Use JavaScript for interactivity, CSS for styling, and HTML for structure when creating the user interface. By using media queries, take device responsiveness into account. Before coding, design tools such as Adobe XD or Figma can be used to help develop mockups.

Non-Custom Coded: You can select a template that fits your vision while using website builders. Use the platform’s integrated tools to personalize the template. Without knowing any code, you may change the layout elements, colors, and fonts in most builders.

3. Develop Your Website:

Now it’s time to bring your design to life.

Custom Coded: Develop the code in accordance with your functional and design specifications. To maintain your codebase, use version control systems like Git and a text editor like Visual Studio Code. If you’re utilizing a backend language, configure a server. Make sure you thoroughly test your website to find and address any flaws.

Non-Custom Coded: The platform handles the development process for solutions that don’t require custom coding. Using an easy-to-use interface, you can upload photographs, change settings, and add content. In order to increase functionality without requiring coding, the majority of website builders also offer plugins or apps.

4. Launch and Maintain:

Once your website is developed, it’s time to launch it for the world to see.

Custom Coded: To make your website available online, select a hosting company and a domain name. After you upload your files to the server and configure the database, run another test to make sure everything functions as it should. To keep your website safe and current, make frequent updates and maintenance.

Non-Custom Coded: Hosting is frequently offered as part of the platform’s offerings when using non-custom coded solutions. Your website will go online once you connect your domain and follow the launch instructions provided. Although security and updates are typically handled by these platforms, it’s still crucial to verify and update your content regularly.

This is the simple transformation from Business.suit to your own website. Our experienced developers are ready to be part of your transformation journey. 

Book a free consultation with us at ✉️[email protected]

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